Wednesday, February 25, 2009

big night these days

Again taking it to the most extreme John Kelso talks about the state that economy is in these days. Even though it is not exactly how John describes it, it makes you think about how it could be. As each day that passes by a lot of people come closer to thinking in that sort of fashion. Now singing Bruce Springsteen's greatest hits isn't quite on the top of my to do list, with the mass layoff's and decline in consumer spending, most people are not to far away from making that a weekend routine. Even though John is extremely vague about his point that he is trying to make, he does make and excellent point. With interest dropping and the market on a steady decline, there are a lot of people that need to pinch there penny a little bit more. President Obama’s stimulus deal will make the market glance toward the future for sure, but hopefully the 760 billion dollars will give the economy a swift kick like the “New Deal” did for FDR after the great depression. So whether your drinking your 17 dollar bottle of tequila or scouting a new open mike night, you should hope for the best from the new “New Deal” or the stimulus package, and hopefully loosen the grip on the penny.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009.

The government is trying to gain more power against offshore accounts, that can and may misuse government bailout money. If the bill passes it will apply money laundering statues to suspected off shore accounts. Money laundering usually carries harder punishments then some other crimes. This bill also comes with some loaded bonus features, the bill also is pushing for extra money to hire more investigators and prosecutors. Now this article is worth reading due to the fact that with all the hype of the stimulus bill, finding large companies and people who might me laundering money with help pay for the multi billion dollar bailout.